Friday 16 January 2015

It's Friday . . . Let's Dance

We have made it to Friday once more. It has been a bit of a week I was in Luton on Tuesday and Wednesday and the flight up the road on Wednesday night was fine until the last five minutes of the approach which had me shitting myself, not literally I hasten to add, although if it had lasted much longer I'm not sure if that would still have been the case. I am always amazed at the number of people who can sleep through such situations, I doff my cap to them.

Let's have a little jig to an extremely prolific producer with many aliases including Black Riot, House of Gypsies and Hardhouse to name but three. Todd Terry's productions were sample heavy with nods to hip-hop and in an identifiable Chicago style. The track posted comes from Terry's second album (thanks Luca),  Todd Terry Presents Sax, This Will Be Mine" from 1991.

I have recently been reading Acid House The True Story by Luke Bainbridge which brought back a few memories, however after finishing it I was wondering if I had been dreaming through the years 1987-1989 as apparently acid house only happened in London and Manchester.

Have a good weekend people

Todd Terry - House Is A Feeling


Luca said...

Sorry to come across as the most boring person on Earth, but actually Todd Terry's first LP was 1988's 'To The Batmobile Let's Go'. 'Weekend' was the stand-out track on it.

drew said...

You are of course right Luca.

Have a good weekend

dickvandyke said...

Always land safely Drew.