Wednesday 3 April 2013

A Short Break

I'm off to the capital with L and the weans for a couple of days of quality huffs and family fights in a different location.

It's been a couple of years since I've been in the city center so I'm looking forward to riding in a straight line on the wonderful new tram system which should surely be completed by now.

Ultramagnetic Mc's - Traveling At The Speed of Thought (remix)


Swiss Adam said...

Have fun Drew, L and the weans. I want to go back to Edinburgh- me and the Mrs had a great weekend there for my 40th.

davyh said...

They say Project Yourself.

Have fun.

dickvandyke said...

Never been there. My loss, I'm sure.
Have visions of dull Gavin Hastings types in tartan troos bashing their heeds with shortbread patterened tin trays, and sporron shops, and Sean Connery at the Tourist Centre (in a video link from his warm house in the Bahamas),and ill-fated hauntings of gas-lamped Northern Britain ghost-fests and grave robbing dogs called Bobby .. and other slightly less bizarre caledonian cliches.

And don't be moaning about who wants pizza and who wants burgers, or that the littlest needs the loo .. again, or pinching shoes, or the lack of Scots, or 'how fuckin much', or yearning for a bevvie in the early afternoon.

Charity Chic said...

You'll have had yer tea Drew!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy my love xxx

Jen Harvey said...

Quality huffs and straight lines in Edinburgh.

I can't stop giggling at this for some reason.

Hope you all had a good laugh in Auld Reekie.