Saturday 12 January 2013

Happy Birthday Leo

It is the second son's fourth birthday which will inevitably lead to building up more Lego. When asked what song he wanted to hear he retorted "me only like Too Much Apple Pie" easily pleased this one.. Who am I to refuse the boy on his birthday even although it was featured in August last year, so I've dug out the live version from the set Gedge and Co did for Peel's 50th Birthday.

No lies, I actually typed  too much into the search function of iTunes before I realised what I was doing.

The Wedding Present - Kennedy


davyh said...

Cute pic! Happy Birthday to His Nibs.

drew said...

Somee schools have a hamster, our nursery has a monkey called Spike, it was Leo's turn to bring him home for the weekend.

Swiss Adam said...

Happy birthday to the little man.

BrisbaneMusic said...
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Dirk said...

Cars and Spider Man: exactly as with my little boy, he turned four in September. No more Lego anymore though ... "this is for babies, Dad!" ...

Happy Birthday!

Simon said...

Happy birthday to the little fella!

my eldest is four this year. He is still obsessed with fire engines. Although I overheard him playing with his Fireman Sam toys yesterday and calling them Batman and Superman. So maybe he'll be ready to move onto other things. God I hope so. I need to hear other songs than the Fireman Sam theme tune. Although it is a good bit of XTCish powerpop.

drew said...

Si/Dirk - Fire Sam (sic) is still played with all the time and one of the many DVDs has to go on at bedtime.

My mate and his wife bought him a set of disco balls which are bloody brilliant

Simon said...

I've just noticed the Falcon on the righthand side of that pic. Now I can't see anything else. Which one is that? That's not the vintage one from back in the old days?