It was thirty years ago today that the general election campaign that ushered in possibly the most devise decade of the 20 century in Britain started in earnest.
In just over 3 weeks Margaret Hilda Roberts would walk through the door of number 10 Downing Street for the first time and would take up residency there for 11 years.
I blame her for most of the world's ills, I may be right but am probably wrong, however one thing is for sure, if there had been no Thatcher there would have been no need for us to have invented Tony Blair.
The Groove Armada - Hands of Time
Billy Bragg - Days Like These
30 years. Wow. I still can't say her name out loud. Makes me want to hit something.
And a Golden Age began! (for political satirists, stand-up comedians and angsty pop groups, if not for the rest of us).
(Actually, thinking about it, the angsty pop groups seemed to fare pretty well under Uncle Jimmy's Labour gov too...)
Yes, funny to think that punk was a reaction to Jim Callaghan's Britain.
.... can't breathe very well... just thinking that 30 years seems like not that long ago... oh my...
ok, had a listen to Billy and am better now, but honest to gawd, I can't for the life of me understand how it can be that long ago and yet still be with us so profoundly. And I'm far across the pond, always have been.
But remember that Punk grew out of the relationship between us, and out of the middle class' need to glamorize what authenticity they could never achieve. Ironic that it was that same middle class that welcomed this b/witch with open arms, eh? ... and her partner in crime, Reagan for who's economic vision we are paying for now on a global scale.
Aaach, don't let me comment on blogs at 3 a.m. Thanks for posting this, darlin xoxoox
word ver = rentr (hahahah)
As a Falklands vet, I can tell you that worse things happen at sea.
DVD - she did treat you all appallingly.
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