Friday 10 June 2016

It's Friday . . . Let's Dance

It's been ages since I have seen this posted anywhere that I frequent on the internet and seeing as it should be a criminal offence not to listen to this at least once a month I am doing a public service here. Weekender still sounds as powerful as it did twenty four years ago and after talking to my favourite nephew yesterday, is still as pertinent.

In other news, there seems to be some international football competition kicking off today but since I do not have a dog in the fight I find it very difficult to get excited about it. I suppose I will support Croatia, for their colourfull strip as much as anything. I have a feeling that Walter could well be a happy man in about a month's time.

I have also taken the plunge and bought an automatic scooter! For years I have wanted a Lambretta GP but with neither the funds nor the technical know-how to keep one on the road it was always going to be a dream. But recently I saw a few Scomadi scooters, design based on a GP but an automatic 4-stroke engine and then last month there was an article in Scootering about them, which got me thinking. I have done a bit of further research and earlier this week thought "why the fuck not, if you don't do it now you'll never do it". Today I took the plunge and ordered one, so bang goes the good weather for the rest of the summer and I now have the prospect of running in a scooter again.

Have a good weekend people, and remember just make sure what you do makes you happy.

Flowered Up - Weekender


Anonymous said...

What you said over at my place.

Swiss Adam said...

1. Weekender=tune. Massive tune.
2. Football tournament starts tomorrow for us here and ends probably 2 games later.
3. Scooter- good move.

Anonymous said...

Well done that man

Jimy said...

Always been a fav of mine!!

bovril said...

Just such an amazing record, that so sums up a time when dance met groves met indie. Everyone loved each other, at least for the night, and on the terraces, and we all went aboard and danced some more. I thought we all got it. Maybe some of us still do, though some (too many) seem to have forgotten and now want to build back those divisions... well, I'll tell you what yo can do...