Monday 8 September 2014

Try Me

Today's track comes courtesy of the man tagged "the hardest working man in showbiz"  and also the "Godfather of Soul". When I decided on this post I looked back to see how many times I had posted songs by James Brown and was quite surprised by how few times he had actually featured. But when I thought about, he hasn't really been a constant over the years in his own right and I have probably listened to more records with samples of his music that I have his records but I have to admit that for a good couple of months at about the turn of the century I was more than slightly obsessed by "Live At The Apollo". At that time it would have been nearly forty years old but still sounded fresh, full of energy and vital to me.

Try Me was released by James Brown and the Famous Flames in 1958 and was Brown's first ever chart topping record early the following year. It is a gorgeous r&b ballad, far removed from the furious funky sounds that he would later be synonymous with. The kind of record you would put on when trying to woo a girl back in the day.

James Brown and the Famous Flames - Try Me


Luca said...

Welcome back. Where you been?

george said...

A quality record. On the King label (well, a subsidiary), so it's no surprise.

Scott said...

Perfect track to start the week off with. Goes to show how versatile he was.

drew said...

I had very little time last week Luca and even less motivation!

Brian said...

Based on your selection today I assume you mean the Apollo album that came out in 1963, which is just so wonderful, but the one from 1968 is really good too. Big big fan.