Wednesday, 5 January 2011

It's A Sair Fecht

The first day back to work after some time off is usually a fairly hellish occasion for me at the best of times but going back today was worse than usual as I'm still loaded with the flu but need to go back and get the stuff done that was put off by the extreme weather in December.

So,  this morning after spending the night tossing and turning, coughing and spluttering and checking the clock every hour or so to see exactly how little time I had left until it was time to get up, I eventually got out of the house about ten minutes later than planned stuck the ipod on shuffle and this came on. I turned up the volume and  sat their for a couple of minutes and then set off. Nearly made it worthwhile getting up, nearly.

Johnny Boy - Johnny Boy Theme dub


davyh said...

You alright Drewster?

Simon said...

Yes, where is the old fella?

drew said...

Had to travel down to Wellingborough yesterday for work. 4 am rise back home 9 pm not the best of moods for a Friday.