Thursday, 16 June 2022

Rest Easy Dad


Andy Wingate 
02 May 1939 - 05 June 2022

Today we say goodbye to my dad.  My brother, my mum and myself will be performing the service, as my mother says "nobody else knew him quite like we did". I just hope I do him proud.

I always knew that when this time came the song below would be the one I reached for when this time came as the first two lines hit me dead on the first time I heard it as they just fit. I just wish it had been quite a few years further down the line.


Walter said...

I think your dad we be proud of you Drew. Stay strong

davyh said...

Love & condolences Drew: I'm sure you'll give him the very best of goodbyes x

bing stills said...

Sorry for your loss. My dad has been gone for 28 years, still miss him. Keep your memories close and remember he is watching over you. Peace.

Adam Turner said...

All the best to all of you. You will all do him justice, I have no doubt.

drew said...

Thank you guys. Not easy this life thing is it.