Sunday 9 June 2013

Iain Banks 1954 - 2013

I have been deeply saddened by the passing of Iain Banks. I think that his books have brought me more pleasure over the years than those of any other. From the travails of Frank in The Wasp Factory, through the despair of Dan Weir in Espedair street to hoping that Prentice and Ash will get it together in the Crow Road, I have grown up and older reading his books, laughing out loud and also shedding the odd tear.  They weren't all brilliant but were always worth a read. I once, on a tour up north in my in-laws motor home got L and myself lost and nearly cowped the motor home trying to find the fictional town of Gallanch.

Here is a rather poignant passage from my favourite novel.

" We carry on in our children and in our works and in the memories of others; we continue in our dust and ash" - The Crow Road.

Go easy Iain

Kathryn Williams - The Ballad Of Easy Rider


Scott said...

Very sad loss. I remember buying the Wasp Factory back in '85 after seeing a recommend by journalist Jon Wilde and being a huge fan from that day forward. I agree they were not all brilliant but a less than brilliant Banks novel was still better than most other authors of his generation.

dickvandyke said...

Thats lovely drew.
We do indeed ... carry on